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weddings, corporate events
landscaping & reforestation
Tree Seedlings
"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now."--Anonymous
Tree Species We Sell - Learn all about the different species of tree, their history and uses from lumber and paper to furniture and from medicine to food. Trees are important to our survival in hundreds of ways. We're still working on these pages, but a couple of Nova Scotia's most important trees are linked up! The Red Spruce is Nova Scotia's Provincial Tree because of its high profile throughout the province's history and the Eastern Hemlock, rare in the north east of the province is experiencing a comeback. We love our beautiful Hemlocks!
Black Spruce
Still excavating this page |
Tree Notes
Trees produce oxygen and store carbon dioxide and they do it day after day and year after year. As a tree grows it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores it as wood fiber. It then converts that carbon dioxide into clean water and oxygen and releases it back into the atmosphere. A single tree can store over 70kg of carbon over its lifetime.
Tree Quotes
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. --Warren Buffett
In addition to cycling carbon dioxide and oxygen, trees have the added effect that they provide many other benefits to the ecosystem. Not only do they release clean air and water they also provide habitat for birds and wildlife, prevent soil erosion, and provide recreation opportunities.
Planting a tree to produce oxygen makes a great gift to commemorate a special date, mark a Christening or to memorialize a special someone. A planted tree will continue to give back to the earth long after the occasion has passed but with each year, its beauty brings renewed memories of cherished moments.
People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world that will not sustain people. --Bryce Nelson
Treelings Green Gifts & Nursery has been shipping tree seedlings across Canada since 2004 for weddings, corporate events and other 'earth-approved' occasions. We also sell seedlings and small trees for landscaping and forest remediation and like to work with the land owners to insure healthy reforestation. Our NGO tree planting projects are for very special trees and very special people.
Planting trees for any occasion just makes us feel better about our place in the scheme of things. We know we did do something, in our own small way to help heal the planet. When we plant a tree, we leave a legacy for future generations. Plant a tree and you plant a memory that lives on into perpetuity. Trees can live hundreds, even a thousand years into the future. Trees can bear fruit or nuts, provide shade from the heat of summer and shelter from the winter's blast. Trees offer fuel and lumber and many by-products used in the building trade.
Beautifully wrapped Evergreen Tree Seedlings carry the right message
for your family, friends and customers.
"I am thankful "for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky
and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes"
- e. e. cummings
All content, unless otherwise indicated, © 2024 Treelings, Moser River, Bay of Islands, Nova Scotia, B0J 2K0. Nova Scotia, Canada.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email (see above) or call us at
1-902-347-2602 |
Site Creation by:Hatch Media - Last Updated: February 22, 2024